The most innovative team in eligibility is expanding. Now open to Physical Therapy, Intensive Outpatient, and Primary Care partners.
The most innovative team in eligibility is expanding. Now open to Physical Therapy, Intensive Outpatient, and Primary Care partners.
The most innovative team in eligibility is expanding. Now open to Physical Therapy, Intensive Outpatient, and Primary Care partners.
The most innovative team in eligibility is expanding. Now open to Physical Therapy, Intensive Outpatient, and Primary Care partners.
The most innovative team in eligibility is expanding. Now open to Physical Therapy, Intensive Outpatient, and Primary Care partners.

Guiding Private Practices Through the Nuances of Insurance

Out-of-network insurance is confusing. Nirvana simplifies it.


How to Maximize Out-of-Network Insurance Reimbursement for Therapy

Using insurance to help pay for mental healthcare can seem like a complicated and convoluted process. Nirvana allows clients to discover if they have out-of-network mental health benefits, and if so, maximize the amount of coverage they can receive from their insurance company.
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Navigating Healthcare's Financial Complexity: The Need for Adaptable AI Solutions

While the X12 5010 Standard brought order to chaotic elements in the process, it has proved to be too rigid and narrow to capture the complexity of results in inherently chaotic system. The healthcare ecosystem thrives on adaptation and innovation, Nirvana's adaptive API powered by AI is built to to meet the needs of this complex environment.
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March 29, 2024

Machine Learning in Health Insurance Verification

At Nirvana, we believe that machine learning (ML) has a critical role to play in improving healthcare insurance verification and eligibility workflows.
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April 19, 2023

Nirvana Health Makes Insurance Checks Simple

At Nirvana, we build products to make the mental healthcare billing process foolproof. We use cutting edge AI and machine learning to create the tools providers and administrators need to streamline their back office work and easily access accurate pricing information on care.
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March 31, 2023

What is a CPT code and Why is it Required?

If you've ever received medical treatment or services, you may have come across something called a CPT code. But what exactly is a CPT code, and why are they required?In this blog post, we'll explain what a CPT code is and how it's used, as well as why it's important for both healthcare providers and patients to understand and use CPT codes.
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March 30, 2023

Will My Employer Know I'm in Therapy If I Use Employer-Sponsored Coverage?

This resource answers questions regarding the privacy of mental health insurance claims while using employer-sponsored coverage and why some to opt for Out-of Network care. Additionally, this resource details how Nirvana enables OON insurance reimbursement.
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How Out-of-Network Insurance Reimbursement Helps Therapists Retain Patients in Their Practice

Retaining clients is an important concern for therapists, as it can have a significant impact on the success and sustainability of their practice. Learn more about how out of network insurance reimbursement can help promote client retention.
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Privacy Matters at Nirvana

Nirvana takes client data privacy seriously. Read more about how our platform is completely HIPAA compliant.
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March 20, 2023

How Therapists Are Using The Nirvana Calculator

Nirvana’s Out of Network Reimbursement Calculator provides an instant breakdown of your clients’ mental health benefits from the comfort of their preferred device. This resource is a step by step guide on how to set up the calculator and increase usage once it is active.
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February 28, 2023

Understanding The Out-of-Network Insurance Reimbursement Process

A major factor that contributes to the cost of mental healthcare is whether the services are covered by a client’s insurance plan, and if their therapist is out-of-network from their provider. Read through this resource to better understand the process of out-of-network insurance reimbursement and learn how to maximize your potential benefits.
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